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Nokia n900


The nokia n900 is an omap3-based smartphone which is shipped with maemo. It use uboot as boot-loader and for sure a linux kernel. maemo is based on debian, so you'll have a real command line, a package-manager and everything a linux fan needs. No problems due software limitation because everything you need, can be scripted by yourself.

Processor:      TI Omap3 ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) 500 Mhz
Hardware:       Nokia RX-51 board
Board Layout:   omap3
Default Kernel:

Processor   : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
BogoMIPS    : 499.92
Features    : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 
CPU implementer : 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant : 0x1
CPU part    : 0xc08
CPU revision    : 3

Hardware    : Nokia RX-51 board
Revision    : 2204
Serial      : 0000000000000000

Linux Nokia-N900 #1 PREEMPT Sun Mar 18 20:10:56 EET 2012 armv7l unknown

mtd0: 00020000 00020000 "bootloader"
mtd1: 00060000 00020000 "config"
mtd2: 00040000 00020000 "log"
mtd3: 00200000 00020000 "kernel"
mtd4: 00200000 00020000 "initfs"
mtd5: 0fb40000 00020000 "rootfs"


To Flash the n900 you'll have to download the tools and firmware first.


  1. Flash the emmc image: /path/to/flasher -F <emmc-image>.bin -f
  2. Hold down the "u" key on the phone
  3. Connect the phone to the PC


  1. Flash the firmware image /path/to/flasher -F <firmware-image>.bin -f -R
  2. Hold down the "u" key on the phone
  3. Connect the phone to the PC

extra-repository (maemo)

Go to the Application Manager and create a new entry as following:

catalog name: extras
web address: http://repository.maemo.org/extras 
distribution: (empty)
components: free non-free


I really recommend to install the power-user kernel. You can get it after you've activated the extras repository.


you can get root access via the gainroot package from the repository.

package:    gainroot 
repository: extra


For a wireless hotspot, you can install the mobile-hotspot package from "extras"

package:    mobile-hotspot
repository: extra